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Film to DVD Conversion in Melbourne from the Audio Visual Experts

It’s not too late…

Whilst some people believe that their films are too old or too brittle to be transferred onto a DVD, this is simply not true. Most often, family films are stored in a box under the bed or in a wardrobe. This controlled environment preserves the footage and slows their deterioration when compared with films that are regularly used or left out for long periods of time.

In the modern era, very few people have the equipment necessary to actually view footage stored on a film reel. Your precious memories are likely to stay packed away – essentially inaccessible. Over time these reels deteriorate, making it difficult to view them even when the right equipment is available. You can keep your films alive for even longer, and enjoy them much more easily, when you order a professional film conversion to DVD from our team of audio visual experts. Our unique value for money service is the ideal preservation method for historical footage, event recordings, and family films, to ensure future generations get an insight into the way things used to be. Even if you think the reels are too old for a film conversion, bring them to us and chances are we can do it!film-to-dvd

We treat your films like our own

All footage presented to us for transfer are cleaned then digitised using an image stabiliser and colour correction system. We create your DVD using professional computer software which includes chapter points for each individual reel before your DVD conversion is packaged into a hard library case with a personalised label and custom designed sleeve. Above all, we understand that the footage you pass on to us is often historic, sentimental or extremely rare, which is why we treat it carefully and professionally to ensure the process as goes smoothly as possible with no risk of damage.

Enquire today

For a quote on conversion by the leaders in film to DVD Melbourne wide, please use the Quick Quote form or contact us on (03) 9570 5709 or 0413 833 434.